The team works in the investigation and modeling of fundamental mechanisms in advanced materials for energy devices and artificial intelligence. The research program is about perovskite solar cells, other emerging solar cells and battery materials. The team combines experimental investigation and theoretical and numerical tools to develop insights in the electronic processes in hybrid organic-inorganic solar cells, mixed ionic-electronic conductors, materials with memory for computation, joining novel theory of hybrid organic-inorganic semiconductor nanostructures, and systematic experimental demonstration.

Research projects .
ERC Advanced Grant project
Perospiker, Perovskite Spiking Neurons for Intelligent Networks
Generalitat Valenciana, Prometeo Project
SOLPEN, Materiales avanzados 2D/3D para soluciones eficientes en la producción y el almacenamiento de energía sostenible.
Generalitat Valenciana
Actualidad .
Visita dels alumnes del CIPFP Benicarló a l’INAM
El passat dimecres 11 d'octubre un grup d'alumnes de Cicle Formatius de 2n CFGM d’Operacions de Laboratori del CIPFP Benicarló va visitar l’INAM. Els alumnes, acompanyats per la Cap de Departament de Química del centre, Noelia Carbó Mestre, van tindre l'oportunitat