Antonio Guerrero
Antonio Guerrero is a chemist (2002, Alcalá de Henares, España) contracted as Associate Professor in Applied Physics at the University Jaume I. Antonio completed a Ph.D. inOrganometallic Chemistry (2006, University of East Anglia, UK)industrially funded by Bayerfocused on the design of new catalysts for the production of plastics. Subsequently, Antonioworked during 4 years at the company Cambridge Display Technology where he developedsome of the state of the art semiconducting materials for Organic Light Emitting Diodes(OLEDs). In 2010 Antonio Guerrero joined the group of Prof. Juan Bisquert at the universityJaume I. Over the last few years his work has been mainly focused in three different lines ofresearch: 1-Photovoltaic applications (perovskite and organic solar cells), 2-Electronic memorydevices and 3-Advanced solutions for energy vectors and Circular Economy. His contributionincludes the development of new semiconductors materials, their characterization andunderstandingtheir physical properties under operating conditions of electronic devices. Hiswork has been cited >5700 times with a h-index of 42 (Google Scholar, 08/06/2022). OverallAntonio Guerrero is the author of more than 90 research articles, one book, two bookchaptersand the inventor of two patents both currently under exploitation.
Researcher information:
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8602-1248
Google scholar: https://scholar.google.es/citations?user=B02kfbEAAAAJ