Juan Bisquert
Juan Bisquert is a professor of Applied Physics at Universitat Jaume I de Castelló. He is thedirector of the Institute of Advanced Materials, a research center of international reputationwith vision of understanding and creationof materials, bringing scientific insight and producingadvanced applications for a better future. He published 400 papers in research journals, andauthored a series of books, summarized in the volume Physics of Solar Energy Conversion (CRCPress 2020) that establishes a general physical picture of solar energy devices. He has 39000citations and h-index 98 (Clariviate). He is Executive Editor for Europe of the Journal of PhysicalChemistry Letters. He has been distinguished in the list of Highly Cited Researchers from 2014to 2020. Bisquert is the president of Fundació Scito. He created nanoGe Conferences and theliterary magazine Descriu. He wrote a novel of speculative fiction,“La Conjectura Canamel”.The research activity of Juan Bisquert has been focused on materials and devices forproduction and storage of clean energies, in particular photovoltaic devices, based onnanostructured metal oxides, semiconductor quantum dots, organic and hybridsemiconductors, and related applications such as luminescence. The main contribution ofBisquert is the application of measurement techniques and physical modeling in several areasof energy devices providing insight to processes of electronic charge transfer, carrier transport,chemical reaction, etc., especiallyin the field of impedance spectroscopy. Recently theresearch field has been largely influenced by hybrid metal halide perovskites, a new class ofphotovoltaic materials and devices that show excellent performance and radically newsemiconductor properties. Unraveling the mechanisms of perovskite solar cells has establishedscientific work of high impact by Bisquert and coworkers in the last few years.
Researcher information:
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4987-4887
Researcher ID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/O-2543-2013
Google scholar: https://scholar.google.es/citations?user=-TTRG2kAAAAJ